Transforming education, learning and teaching

India's Top-Rated Smart Classroom Setup Agency

100+ Schools |  400+ Coaching | 600+ Installations

From interactive whiteboards to flat panel

Enable educators with Interactive Panels Dynamic tools for effective learning

Our flagship product, GyanMark, is fully equipped with all the features and functionalities required by schools and colleges to facilitate interactive and collaborative learning.

GyanMark is an innovative solution designed to revolutionize the classroom experience by providing a perfect replacement for traditional blackboards in schools. This cutting-edge technology offers numerous benefits to teachers and students, transforming the way education is imparted.

Improved Classroom Delivery

Effective Classroom Management

Efficient Time Management

Simple and Easy to Operate


Future Smart Vision Solutions Tailored to Your Business

Future Smart Vision interactive Panel helps enrich the teaching learning process while providing engaging learning experience for today’s modern classrooms!

Interactive Touchscreen:

Smart boards come with a large interactive touchscreen display that allows users to interact with the content using touch gestures, such as writing, drawing, and manipulating objects.

Multi-User Collaboration:

Our boards support multi-user collaboration, enabling multiple users to interact with the board simultaneously.

Pen and Gesture Recognition:

Smart boards can recognize different types of input, including touch gestures and pen inputs. This feature allows users to write or draw on the board using a digital pen

Training and Support:

Future Smart Vision offer training resources, tutorials, and customer support to help users maximize their experience with the product. 


Unlock the Power of Smart Board: Leading the Way in Smart Digital Board

Welcome to our Future Smart Vision company, a leading provider of smart boards and interactive solutions for educational institutions, businesses, and organizations.


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We give total arrangement of online classroom setup for a problem free teaching experience.


Interactive Flat Panel

PTZ Camera




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Basement, Sisodiya Palace Near Gorakhnath Complex, Boring Road, Patna, Bihar 800001


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